CLICK HERE for instructions on how to save wallpaper to your computer's desktop.
These images are for personal use only.



 Click to view full-sized wallpaper



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- To Save an Image as Desktop Wallpaper -

PC Users:

  1. Right-click on the image you want to save.
  2. Choose Set as Wallpaper from the menu. The image now appears on your desktop.


  1. Right-click on the image you want to save.
  2. Choose Save Picture As from the menu.
  3. Select a location for the file and press Save.
  4. Right-click on your desktop and select Properties.
  5. Select the Desktop (or Background) tab, click Browse and locate the image you just saved.
  6. Select Center, Tile, or Stretch, depending on how you wish the image to appear on your desktop.
  7. Click OK (or Apply, if you want to try different setting before closing this window).

Note: The Tile display works best when the image is smaller.

Mac Users:

  1. Click on the image you wish to download.
  2. Under the File menu, select Save As.
  3. Choose the folder you wish to save the picture in. Be sure and select Source as the proper format at the bottom of the dialog box.
  4. After saving the picture, under the Apple menu, select Control Panels, then Appearance.
  5. Select the Desktop tab. Activate the Place Picture button (if you already have a photo displayed on your desktop, you'll need to Remove Picture first) and select the file you just saved from the Choose A File dialog box. Click on the Choose button.
  6. Select Center On Screen or Tile On Screen for photo placement.
  7. Click on the Set Desktop button.
  8. Close the Appearance dialog box.